Coming Soon: Das Werk 1:35 Kanonenjagdpanzer/

Das Werk has recently announced the upcoming release of an all new 1:35 2 in 1 Kanonenjagdpanzer/Beobachtungspanzer scale model kit. Featuring completely new tooling and extravagant detail, this kit is sure to satisfy any serious scale modeler.

The kit will include highly detailed instructions, expertly molded plastic parts which allow for the construction of either the Kanonenjagdpanzer or Beobachtungspanzer, decals for four paint schemes, as well as a painting and decal guide. Also featured in the kit are link & length tracks which will help to simplify the construction of the tracks and running gear of the vehicle.

The kit is set to release in October of this year, however it is currently available for preorder on multiple online stores including: Tasmodelshop (€42,50), HobbyLink Japan ($60.30 USD), and Airdesign.SK (€46,90). If you are interested in learning more about Das Werk’s upcoming 1:35 2 in 1 Kanonenjagdpanzer/Beobachtungspanzer, I highly recommend visiting both Das Werk’s website and

Happy Modeling!

Image credit: Das Werk